Yoga Quiz
Question Number 1
Yoga is a physical and mental practice that involves the body, mind and spirit.
A. True
B. False
Question Number 2
Yoga is designed to:
A. enhance awareness,
B. create a mind-body-spirit balance
C. improve fitness
D. All of the above
Question Number 3
The most common type of Yoga is:
A. Raja
B. Jnana
C. Bhakti
D. Karma
E. Tantra
F. Hatha
Question Number 4
Yoga is:
A. 500 Years Old
B. 10 Years old
C. 5000 Years Old
D. 20 Years Old
Question Number 5
The term yoga means to:
A. Concentrate and breathe deeply
B. Relax and Focus on the deeper meaning of life
C. Spirit and Mind
D. join or bind together, and the practice joins together the body, mind and spirit.
Question Number 6
What religion is associated with yoga?
A. Christianity
B. Hinduism
C. Muslim
Question Number 7
Jnana Yoga is defined as: The path of love and devotion focuses on devotion to and concentration on the guru or chosen deity, and often includes chanting.
A. True
B. False
Question Number 8
Karma yoga is defined as: In the yogic system of action and service, everything (including the yoga postures) is done with the mind centered on the divine; activities are done selflessly for the greater good.
A. True
B. False
Question Number 9
Regarding Arthritis/fibromyalgia, Yoga will not ease the pain associated with these conditions,
A. True
B. False