Excel Quiz
Question Number 1
In excel you can do everything but...
A. Make charts, diagrams
B. Use formulas like sum, average
C. Make a database
D. Use IF statements in the formula bar
Question Number 2
You can save any excel document as a web page.
A. True
B. False
Question Number 3
You can have a personalized header and footer for each page that is printed.
A. True
B. False
Question Number 4
You cannot insert comments on each cell.
A. True
B. False
Question Number 5
You can protect a certain worksheet and have the others full access.
A. True
B. False
Question Number 6
What is the correct formula to calculate the total of cell B3 and B4
A. summary(b3+b4)
B. =SUM B4+B3
D. =SUM(B3+B4)
E. =TOTAL(B3+B4)
Question Number 7
What is the correct forumla to calculate an average between cells B3 and B6?
A. SUM(B3+B4+B5+B6)/4
B. =AVE(B3:B6)
D. =AVERAGE(B3+B4+B5+B6)/4
E. =AVE(B3+B4+B5+B6)/4
Question Number 8
A. This would select D9 and E9 and create an average from sheet2
B. This would select D9 and E9 and add the two together from sheet2
C. This would select D9 and E9 and add the two together from sheet1
D. This forumla doesn't do anything.
Question Number 9
You can download content from the net directly into excel.
A. True
B. False
Question Number 10
You can hide an entire worksheet
A. True
B. False