Shaira Mae C.Gaoiran Quiz
Question Number 1
What is Niche?
A. The role of a specie in its habitat
B. fungal specie
C. Habitat
Question Number 2
What is the Brazilian Rail Road?
A. A road in Brazil
B. A worm that has a head that glows with a red light,and has a green light on its side.
C. A worm that has a head that glows with a green light ,and has a red light on its side
D. A Railroad in Brazil
Question Number 3
The acceleration rate of a flea's jump is _____ times that of a space shuttle during launch
A. 100
B. 10
C. 15
D. 20
E. 25
F. 5
Question Number 4
__________ and __________ can breathe through their butts
A. Fish and dolphin
B. Shrimp and starfish
C. Turtle and sea cucumber
D. Snake and shark
E. shark and dolphin
Question Number 5
What is the largest flower in the whole world?
A. Wolffia
B. Rafflesia
C. Rose
D. Rafflesia Arnoldii
E. Sunflower
F. Daffodil
Question Number 6
Where does the largest rainforest found?
A. North America
B. South America
C. Australia
D. Philippines
E. Taiwan
F. Africa
Question Number 7
What is the fastest growing organism on earth and can grow at a rate of 70 cm. (2 feet) a day?
A. Giant Kelp Algae
B. Algae Kelp
C. Giant Algae Kelp
D. Synthia
E. Cordyceps
F. Tardigrade
Question Number 8
Some migratory birds have a "magnetic compas" in theor body to help them navigate using Earth's magnetic field,what do you call in that sense?
A. Magnet Reception
B. Magnetic reception
C. magnetoreception
D. magnetareception
Question Number 9
What is the largest egg in the world that could take as many as 30 chicken eggs to equal its volume,and up to 2 hours to boil?
A. Flamingo's egg
B. Ostrich egg
C. Eagle' s egg
D. woodpecker's egg
E. Flying albatross' egg
Question Number 10
What is the scientific name of the electric eel of South America?
A. Electrica
B. electricus phosphorus
C. electrophoresis electricus
D. electron electrophoresis
E. electrophorus electrus
F. electrus electrophile
Question Number 11
What is the world's smallest flowering plant?
A. Rafflesia
B. Wolffia
C. Wolffie
D. Rafflesia Arnoldii
E. Arnold
F. Raffles
Question Number 12
What is the world's smallest flowering plant?
A. Rafflesia
B. Wolffia
C. Wolffie
D. Rafflesia Arnoldii
E. Arnold
F. Raffles
Question Number 13
What is the largest egg in the world that could take as many as 30 chicken eggs to equal its volume,and up to 2 hours to boil?
A. Flamingo's egg
B. Ostrich egg
C. Eagle' s egg
D. woodpecker's egg
E. Flying albatross' egg
Question Number 14
Some migratory birds have a "magnetic compas" in theor body to help them navigate using Earth's magnetic field,what do you call in that sense?
A. Magnet Reception
B. Magnetic reception
C. magnetoreception
D. magnetareception
Question Number 15
What is the fastest growing organism on earth and can grow at a rate of 70 cm. (2 feet) a day?
A. Giant Kelp Algae
B. Algae Kelp
C. Giant Algae Kelp
D. Synthia
E. Cordyceps
F. Tardigrade
Question Number 16
__________ and __________ can breathe through their butts
A. Fish and dolphin
B. Shrimp and starfish
C. Turtle and sea cucumber
D. Snake and shark
E. shark and dolphin
Question Number 17
The acceleration rate of a flea's jump is _____ times that of a space shuttle during launch
A. 100
B. 10
C. 15
D. 20
E. 25
F. 5
Question Number 18
What is the Brazilian Rail Road?
A. A road in Brazil
B. A worm that has a head that glows with a red light,and has a green light on its side.
C. A worm that has a head that glows with a green light ,and has a red light on its side
D. A Railroad in Brazil
Question Number 19
What is Niche?
A. The role of a specie in its habitat
B. fungal specie
C. Habitat