WWI test Quiz
Question Number 1
When did WWI start?
A. January 6th, 1915
B. August 1st, 1914
C. Decemeber 8th, 1914
D. August 3rd, 1916
Question Number 2
What was the main reason WWI started?
A. Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
B. Communism
C. Imperalism
D. Germany began to mobilize forces
E. Militarism
Question Number 3
Which countries were part of the Triple Entente in 1907?
A. Germany, Italy, Russia
B. France, Britain, Austria-Hungary
C. USA, Germany, Bulgaria
D. Britain, Russia, France
Question Number 4
Which countries were part of the Triple Alliance in 1882?
A. Germany, Russia, Spain
Question Number 5
Which countries were part of the Triple Alliance in 1882?
A. Germany, Russia, Spain
B. Italy, Germany, Austria-Hungary
C. Ukraine, Germany, Britain
D. France, Belgium, Italy
Question Number 6
What was the name of Germany's plan to take over Russia and France?
A. The Schlieffen Plan
B. The Prussia Plan
C. Das Blutbad
D. Take Over
Question Number 7
What is no mans land?
A. area between the trenches of two countries
B. land where no one walks
C. automatic death crossing it
D. Part of the land that no one has been through
Question Number 8
Which country was the first to use Chlorine gas at the battle of Ypres in 1915?
A. Russia
B. France
C. Britain
D. Germany
E. Austria-Hungary
Question Number 9
At the second battle of Ypres, which country suffered the most lose?
A. France
B. Canada
C. Britain
D. Germany
Question Number 10
Which battle was the most successful one for Canadians? despite the many deaths
A. The Battle of Sommes
B. The Battle of Vimy Ridge
C. Passchendaele
D. Battle of Amiens
Question Number 11
Why did the Russian forces leave the war in 1917?
A. Assassination of Lenin
B. Treaty of Brest-Litovsk signed
C. Russian Revolution
D. Lose of many lives
Question Number 12
When was the Treaty of Versailles signed?
A. November 11th, 1918
B. September 11th, 1918
C. December 12th, 1917
D. August 1st , 1918
Question Number 13
How many clauses were there in the Treaty of Versailles to punish Germany?
A. 3
B. 2
C. 5
D. 414
E. 26
F. 440